Excitement unfolds as the McCaughan family makes their debut on Gold Rush Season 14 episode 15, joining renowned miners like Parker Schnabel, Tony Beets, and Rick Ness. Inquiring about equipment purchases from nearby miner Parker, the McCaughans reveal their intriguing mine, boasting a 30,000-year-old baby mammoth discovery in 2022. Join us on Discovery for an unforgettable episode, adding a new chapter to the legacy of thrilling mining adventures.
Behind the Scenes: From the McCaughan Family
“I’m glad they didn’t show how we really tested out Parker’s Rock Trucks LMFAO”
“My buddies are teasing me that I need to work on my hand shake with Parker” (my hand got caught on the mic wire)
“I’m glad RAW TV didn’t televise my voice crack when I shook Parker’s hand to say hello!”
“I watched the debut with a group of close friends in Okotoks, Alberta, and had a good laugh. YIKES! I could really see my wrinkles on the 80-inch screen.”