Sharon McCaughan
CEO, Co-Founder
Nickname: Stressella, C.O.C. (Controller of Chaos), Shannon
Born: April 14th
Years Mining: 12 years mining, 30 years managing family businesses
Position in Company: CEO, Co-founder
Personality Traits: generous, kind, tenacious, diligent work habits, integrity
Best Known for: Writing on her hand, mistress of the messy desk, first one up last one to bed, Gold “personality colors”, always wanting things fair, being late
Sayings: “Nip it in the Bud”, “Do for one do for all”, “Where’s my phone?”, “Shit can you do that again?” (when taking a picture/video), “No I don’t gamble”, “Gold mining is enough”, “I hate Passwords”, “What did Brian buy now?”
Pet Peeve: Lazy people, thieves
Interests: Yukon Nuggets and rocks, self improvement books/courses
Something one would not know about her: Use to be an elementary school teacher, sold Passion Parties, farm girl.